To view 'Must Do's' that have been assigned to an individual under their profile and run a report on their progress.
Deborah Herman
At the moment a reporting manager can only see must do's that are outstanding on an employees record via a pop up window but can't run a report. Managers would find it helpful to run a report on their group which indicates the courses as must do and those individuals assigned the course and their progress
Alfie from HowNow
Alfie from HowNow
Hi there Deborah Herman!
You can do this :D
Just visit Users > Search for your User > Make sure you've pinned the "@Must Do Completed" column and click View Details in the column that appears!
Deborah Herman
Alfie from HowNow: Thanks for the above Alfie, I'm really sorry I still can't see how to do this how do I pin the Must Do Completed? However, it isn't an individual we're looking for. It's a report for managers of groups that can easily see which outstanding must do's their employees have. Some managers have 20 people so it makes it difficult going into one person at a time
Alfie from HowNow
Hey Deborah Herman!
To do this, your managers can pull the reports themselves by following the steps here:
Or, if you'd like to do it, you can follow the steps here: