Share content with everyone, but assign certain groups as a "Must Do"
in progress
Amy Janczy
If you share content with any one person or group, it is now invisible to others. We have lots of content we'd like everyone to be able to access, but only require certain groups to do it. I know I can do this by inserting a nugget set to Everyone within a course assigned to my specific group. However, I can't seem to communicate this to my Contributors and it's more work for them. Can you look into this?
Alfie from HowNow
Hi everybody,
I wanted to confirm that this is something we're actively looking into - which is great news I'm sure!
Expect some further information about this coming in the foreseeable future.
With improved content availability you'll be able to:
- Make resources "available" for anybody who may interested in learning them
- Make the same content a "@Must Do" by assigning specific learning groups
This'll remove some of the "noise", and still prioritise some of the same content for the audiences who need to complete it for mandatory or upskilling purposes.
Debbie Hayler
Any update on when this might become available? We have different brands that need to complete mandatory training at different times so could really use this feature :)
Alfie from HowNow
in progress
Alfie from HowNow
Hi everybody,
I wanted to confirm that this is something we're actively looking into - which is great news I'm sure!
Expect some further information about this coming in the foreseeable future.
With improved content availability you'll be able to:
- Make resources "available" for anybody who may interested in learning them
- Make the same content a "@Must Do" by assigning specific learning groups
This'll remove some of the "noise", and still prioritise some of the same content for the audiences who need to complete it for mandatory or upskilling purposes.
Alfie from HowNow
Alfie from HowNow
Merged in a post:
Increased sharing agility
Kayshia Kruger
I'd like to be able to go into an already published piece of content and share it with different groups and have different rules apply to different groups. For example, I might want to share content with a new hire as a MustDo, but not the others it was shared with. I think this can be more easily addressed by adding a "Share" button to the outside tile of content so you can easily share right from the homepage. Make the sharing accessible to everyone to share right from the home page with the ability to assign it as a MustDo and a Deadline if you're a manager or above.
Alfie from HowNow
Hey folks,
You'll be pleased to know that we're currently doing plenty of research into how you can share content to everyone, but still make sure specific audiences have the right content as a "@Must Do"
I want to clarify that we're still in the early days here, so it isn't something we're able to share a timeline on just yet - but rest assured, we know it's something that'll improve the content game.
Jack Burge
Similarly, I also think it will be very useful to have different assignment rules for different groups.
Sarah James
Agreed! i would have thought this was a basic requirement.... please please please can we have this added asap?
Malene Hansen
Yes, this! We have new joiners on a biweekly basis, and I want to be able to assign a compliance training as Must do with a specific deadline as part of their onboarding. I also want to assign it as Must do for existing employees - but with a different deadline.
Alfie from HowNow
Merged in a post:
assign some users as must do and not others in same course
Ulrika Hofman
Possibility to be able to assign a course as a must do to some users while not must do to others.
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