Lock progress in Course
Malene Hansen
Being able to lock lessons/sections in a Course, so a user cannot access #2 until #1 is completed. While this is possible in a Playlist, Courses are the only way to add Assessments so it would be helpful to have the "lock functionality" in Courses too.
Alternatively, make it possible to add Assessments as Nuggets.
Alfie from HowNow
Hey folks,
It's not something we are going to introduce to Courses - however with the introduction of Pathways and our new Sequential Learning feature - you can do exactly that!
Romy Salit
Alfie from HowNow Hi Alfie. The request is still valid for courses if there is a specific order. Also in terms of learning pathways, we still use courses as the content is more accessible with a course.
Alfie from HowNow
Romy Salit: Hi Romy,
Locking progress in courses is not something we are going to be introducing for the foreseeable future
Alfie from HowNow
Hi folks,
Whilst this isn't something we're planning to introduce to Courses at the moment, it is something we're planning for Pathways very soon :D
Alfie from HowNow
under review