Provide the ability for users and administrators to be able to enroll users into a course and unenroll users from a course.
1. Enroll users into courses – rather than reporting on users assigned to content, it makes more sense to report on users enrolled into content. Assignment to learning groups should allow users to view relevant content but only once that have enrolled in the content should their learning be monitored. This will ensure that the insights provide information about content that users have clicked on and started working through. So, if they are assigned 50 pieces of content, but only enroll into 10, there is a cleaner and clearer view of what they are learning.
2. Unenroll users from courses – there are times when users will click on a course to see what it entails and then once opened, realize that it is not what they want to learn. If a user in HowNow does this, the content remains in their In Progress and will never be completed if not relevant to the users. Admins and users should be able to unenroll users from content that is started but not completed. This way the library is cleaner and insights will also be more accurate.